날씨 어플 추천 Weather app recommendation

What weather app do you use?

Until recently, I was getting weather information from Google and through searches on Naver.

But the weather is fickle… There was something quite disappointing.

날씨 어플 추천

(I postponed the appointment because it was raining, but it did not rain in the end…)

So, in this post, among the many weather apps, many people are using

I would like to introduce an app called AccuWeather. 날씨 어플 추천

Accu Weather application information

AccuWeather – Why Recommended, PC, App 좋은뉴스
Accu Weather is a weather app with over 100 million downloads based on the Play Store and 2.52 million reviews.

I think there’s a reason people use it a lot.

It can be downloaded for both Android and iPhone.

Android Download

Apple (iPhone) Download

Reasons to recommend Accu Weather, a weather app

The recommended reason is more detailed than other weather apps.

It gives you two hours of detailed information, which is pretty much accurate in this part and also gives you weather information up to 15 days later.

In addition, it was good to inform you about the temperature you feel.

First of all, most weather apps have similar information, but Accu Weather was the best in satisfaction after using it.

Additionally, there is a separate website, so you can check the weather information on your PC.

Accu Weather website

When you click on the website, the website appears, and you can easily get information about the weather from the website.

If you are curious about information through a PC, we recommend using the website.

This concludes the post about the weather app Accu Weather.