이력서 양식 resume form

Today, 1) I will upload a file that you can download for free, and 2) I will show you 3 sites where you can download various resume-related templates.

Recently, if you visit job-related sites, you will see a lot of places where job seekers provide their own resumes.

However, since there are many cases where you have to create a part-time job or enter a company based on a basic resume, it would be helpful to have basic data.

1. Resume form basic data file (attached in groups of 4) 이력서 양식
Resume form free download file.zip
0.03 MB

이력서 양식

Since the file uploaded above is the most basic structure among resumes, it will be suitable if you have to visit any job in general and submit it in person.

Also, there is a form with a more detailed list, so it would be helpful if you refer to it as well. 좋은뉴스

I uploaded all of them in Korean files, but the first and second are the most basic items.

This does not mean that there is something missing, and if you are tired of looking for other resumes, I think this is enough.

The details are listed in more detail, and I think it is appropriate to enter personal information in detail.

In particular, there are many places where career matters are important, so if you supplement this part a little more and emphasize that you are a suitable person for the job by immediately adapting to the company, good results will be obtained.

2. Second download (including various forms)

I think you must have used it at least once in the search for information in preparation for a job.

These days, there are not only job search data on job sites, but salary, corporate services, and various other forms.

Usually, if you look for the “Reference Room” category, you will find the information you are looking for here. Sometimes, the title of the category may change as the homepage is updated, but most of the time, you can find it in a material-related place.

If you scroll down the screen to the left, there is a separate category for finding the relevant material.

The peculiar thing is that there is a sample of the self-introduction letter below, so if you are worried about how to write it, it is worth taking a look at it at least once.

If you actually go inside, there are materials used by companies, which you can edit and use here.

However, in general terms, the structure is similar, and you will have to review at least several pages to find the original form you like.

The file you want is shown as a Korean file like this, so you can go directly to see if there is a design you want and select it.

3. Where to download the third data

As it is still used by many people, it is now possible to solve the problem at once here if there is a form that is needed beyond the simple contents of employment.

The site has been updated a while ago, unlike when you saw it before, there is no “data box” category, and you have to search for it like the picture above from the first time you search.

You can enter here, and there is a close coverage of the recruitment briefing session and a job dictionary that may be helpful if you refer to it.


If you are not familiar with Korean or Excel at all, the materials provided here can be of great help.


Also, if you can edit it, you can make a more beautiful form by modifying things you don’t want and using them.