주휴수당 my acquaintances are working part-time

Since the recession is still in progress, many of my acquaintances are working part-time while preparing for a job. Unlike in the past, if you work for a certain amount of time, you can sign up for workers’ compensation insurance and receive weekly vacation pay. It seems that there are still quite a few people who do not know about this ‘weekly holiday allowance’. 주휴수당

Of course, it is right to ask for these allowances when you have done your job responsibly! But before that, it seems important to know what benefits you can get. Even if your current part-time job is a ‘short-term part-time job’, you can receive this ‘weekly holiday allowance’ exactly. Many of you know the importance of writing an employment contract, but it seems that little is known about this weekly holiday allowance than you think. And from 2018, the hourly wage increased to 7,530 won. Today, let’s take a moment to find out what ‘weekly holiday pay’ is and how to calculate ‘weekly holiday pay’. First, let’s talk about vacation pay.

What is vacation pay? 주휴수당

According to the Labor Standards Act, it is stipulated that workers who work the number of working days in a week are entitled to at least one paid holiday per week on average. The rules for this paid holiday are called ‘weekly holidays’. The so-called ‘weekly holiday allowance’ is an allowance paid after calculating one day’s salary separately on this weekly holiday.

However, not all workers are entitled to weekly holiday pay and there are standards. It is said that payment can be received only if the following criteria are met. People who work more than 15 hours a week, regardless of full-time or short-term work, are eligible to receive this weekly holiday allowance.
Calculation of vacation pay by way of example
For full-time employees, you can calculate the total working hours per week / 40 hours × 8 × hourly wage. For example, if you work 6 hours a day and 5 days a week, and your hourly wage is 7,000 won, 6 hours × 5 days / 40 hours × 8 × hourly wage 7,000 won = 42,000 won.
In the case of a short-term part-time job, it can be calculated as 4 weeks of work / 4 working days of a regular worker × hourly wage. = 42,000 won You can calculate like this.

Normal workers referred to here are those who work for a long time at the relevant workplace or full-time employees as the standard.

About my working hours and hourly wages during the week

Find out about the expected weekly holiday allowance 쉬운남자

Let’s find out through the holiday pay calculator
The above photos are ‘Weekly Holiday Allowance Calculator’ that appears when you search for weekly holiday pay calculations on a search site. You can calculate after applying the above calculation method, but if this method is cumbersome, you can find out the amount of weekly holiday allowance immediately by entering it into the weekly vacation pay calculator above and clicking Calculate. For example, if you work 20 hours a week as of 2018 and your current hourly wage is 7,500 won, the amount of weekly vacation pay you can receive is 30,000 won. In this calculator, you can calculate conveniently because there is a Calculator tab for short-term part-time vacation pay next to the vacation pay calculator. In addition, it seems that the weekly holiday pay calculator that many people are looking for is the ‘Albamon calculator’, and I will guide you on how to calculate it on the Albamon website.

search for albamon

First, access the ‘Albamon’ homepage. Then, click on ‘Recruitment’, which is checked with ‘1’ along with the fields checked here.

go in order

After that, the screen that appears is the same as the picture above. Here, click on the part checked in orange and ‘Part-time by salary’ written ‘2’. It seems to be easy to follow up to here.

Let’s go to the part-time salary calculator

If you click the part-time job by salary, information such as the minimum hourly wage is displayed as well as part-time job information according to the actual salary such as hourly wage, daily wage, weekly wage, salary, and annual salary as shown in the picture above. If you look in the orange ticked area just above the minimum hourly wage, you will see a text saying ‘Use the part-time salary calculator’. Click here for the part-time salary calculator.

So far, I have found out about my weekly vacation pay through the weekly vacation pay calculator.