내가 똥싸는 꿈 dream of pooping

People dream while sleeping. Sleep gives a person rest and recharging. The organs of our body have rest and recharge through sleep. It also has an amazing effect of healing our body after sleeping. Sleep has such an important function that it can be said to be a medicine. No, sleep is more precious than medicine. It takes effort to achieve this precious sleep quickly and get a good night’s sleep.

Modern people do not sleep well. This is because they are so busy that they have to work all night long, unable to sleep in the dazzling lights of the city. As much as I couldn’t sleep well, I had to go back to the boomerang and put a lot of effort and money to restore my health.

Why do people dream? What the hell is your dream? Among the areas that modern science has not yet solved, there is the world of dreams. Because it is such a mysterious world, many people try to interpret a dream after it has been dreamed of.

One day the dream comes alive. The dream was so vivid that I was confused all day the next day. Other days I have no memory or thoughts of the dream at all. Because I have no memory of the dream. Why do some days my dreams are so vivid and some days I have no memory of the dream at all? How else should I look at my dreams? Today, I am going to try to find out about the dream interpretation of a poop in a dream.

Dream Interpretation and Dream Interpretation

내가 똥싸는 꿈

I dream of pooping Gilmong

How do you feel when you dream of pooping? There are a lot of people who have a lot of misconceptions about poop, so it’s not a good thing. But my dream of pooping is interpreted as a gilmong. This is often interpreted as the meaning of poop. It is said that this dream symbolizes good news such as passing exams, promotion, and business prosperity, that the things planned as a dream of great wealth will go as expected.

To dream of pooping yourself in a dream means the realization and success of a business or dream. This dream is interpreted as a gilmong, which indicates that wealth will come along with success. Such a dream has a good meaning and is interpreted in such a way that you may meet unexpectedly good people in your daily life or that you may have good fortune. It is also said that it is a symbol of good results if you are about to take an exam or if you are working on an important project in your company. 내가 똥싸는 꿈

Dream of putting in your poop and wrapping it in your pants 좋은뉴스

It would be terrifying if this happened in real life. It’s so dizzy that you want to hide even a mouse hole. However, in a dream, it is interpreted as a good dream. It is interpreted as a gilmong that brings good luck. There is also good luck, so you can expect good things.

dream of pooping in bed

In real life, pooping on your bed is devastating. Even in a dream, a dream of pooping on the bed is interpreted as a bad dream. Interpret your dream as a message to warn you to be careful about your mistakes, as mistakes that were usually made small can now lead to big disgrace.

Dream Interpretation and Dream Interpretation

Dream of rummaging through the piles of poop in the house using a tool such as a shovel

Interpretation of this dream means that you are trying to bring in wealth, and it means that wealth will come from various directions. Such a dream is a good dream.

I tried to poop, but I couldn’t poop

If you tried to poop in a dream, but eventually woke up without pooping, how should you interpret this? This dream is interpreted as a nightmare rather than a dream of pooping. If you poop, it will be interpreted as a gilmong, but if you do not poop, it will be interpreted as a nightmare. Interpret your dream as a hint that something you are planning may turn out to be worse than you thought.

If you have a dream like this, it means that if you have a plan or something you are currently doing, there may be an obstacle that you did not expect at all. Also, plans or planned events may lead to less-than-expected results. When you have a dream like this, you are likely to feel more uncomfortable than other dreams.

Dream of falling into a poop

I remember in the past when I was afraid of falling into a poop if I had to go to a conventional toilet in the countryside. However, a dream of falling into a poop is interpreted as a very good lucrative dream indicating great wealth or good results.

Dream Interpretation and Dream Interpretation

dream of touching poop

To dream of touching poop is interpreted as a gilmong or a nightmare, depending on whose poop you touched and how you feel when you touch poop. These two factors have very different meanings.

For example, if you naturally touched the poop packed by the children of the household without any repulsion or dislike, and you feel good after dreaming, this means that positive things can happen in your wealth or success. On the other hand, if you feel like you’re smelling or you’re in a bad mood, it’s interpreted in a negative way.

Dream of washing away the dirt on your clothes

This dream is interpreted as a nightmare. Washing is like washing away wealth, and this dream is interpreted as meaning that wealth or interests will disappear. It is recommended that you pay attention to your usual words and actions and investments.

Dream of suspicious poop color

When you have a dream like this, you are more likely to interpret the dream based on the emotions you have doubts about the object at the time than if you mainly see poop. If you have a dream like this, you may have a sudden misunderstanding in your daily life, and your relationship may be disrupted, or you may not receive money lent to you, so your relationship with your acquaintances or people around you may deteriorate, and bad rumors about you may spread.

Dream of touching baby poop

I remember when I had my first child and saw that child’s poop. There was no smell, which gave me a fresh shock. If you touched baby poop in a dream, it is a gilmong. It can’t get any better than this, as you’ll be lucky in whatever you do, and you’ll be supported by the wealth that comes with it.

Dream Interpretation and Dream Interpretation

Dream of stepping on poop

It really feels bad when you light up your poop in your daily routine. But this dream is a good dream. In other words, it is Gilmong. Dreaming of stepping on poop in a dream is interpreted as a good meaning. This dream suggests that you will find wealth in unexpected places.

This dream suggests that if you are currently planning or are in the midst of a work in progress, you will find a good person who will help you. It is also a good dream to see the performance of a plan or work in progress exceeding expectations.


If something like this happens in real life, it is really embarrassing, absurd, and even pitiful just thinking about it. However, these dreams are often interpreted as the meaning of poop. If you fall into a poop or flip your poop, it is a good dream to expect great wealth or good results. Many people have this dream and then buy a lottery ticket.

Dream of pooping in a wide field

This dream can be interpreted as a good meaning in some ways and a bad meaning in another way. This dream indicates that the things you have done will be revealed to other people all over the world.

Dream Interpretation and Dream Interpretation

Dream of pooping in underwear

Unlike reality, this dream is interpreted in a good way. The meaning of this dream is that it is a sign that you will be freed from mental hardship or stress, or that you will receive wealth.

Dream of seeing or cheap poop that is black

Poop is said to be a barometer of health. In real life, if you have black poop, you should question your health. Dream interpretation is similar. When you wake up to seeing black poop in a dream, you will feel anxious.

This is because black poop is seen as a sign of health problems when seen in real life. Interpretation of a dream in which you see black poop is a dream that reflects your anxiety due to current health problems.

If you have a dream like this, you need to look carefully to see if there is a current health problem or if there is any anxiety caused by this. Because this psychology may be the reason for dreaming.

Dream of seeing or cheap poop that has a golden color

The golden color symbolizes gold to people or has a good meaning because it looks like gold. Similarly, in a dream to see gold colored poop or to see cheap poop, the dream interpretation is very good as if gold is coming out of each person.

Since it is a poop with a golden color, there are different interpretations of it as a golden dream or a poop dream, but the two are interpreted in the same way. This dream is a good sign that your fortune will rise and wealth will follow you in unexpected places. Such a dream is a very good dream, meaning that you will receive great wealth such as luck, wealth, and success.

Constipation resolved or pooped cool in a dream

In reality, it feels good if constipation is resolved or if you pooped coolly. Interpretation of this dream means that the problem you have been worrying about or worrying about will finally be resolved. You can also see the results of exams and promotions, health and affection, which you have been worrying about all this time.

Dream Interpretation and Dream Interpretation

Dream of pooping but not feeling refreshed

A dream in which you pooped coolly, but did not take care of it, indicates that your anxiety is growing day by day due to your worries and worries. This is a dream that reflects that you know you need to solve it, but you do not solve it, or that you cannot solve it because there is no way.

If you have a dream like this, it means that your anxiety is continuing because of your current worries or worries. Your growing anxiety may be because you don’t have the right way to deal with the problem or you’re not acting.

Dream of pouring water after pooping

This dream can be interpreted differently depending on how you feel after pooping and flushing the water. If you feel refreshed and reassured after pooping and flushing the water, it is interpreted as Gilmong. However, if you feel uncomfortable all the time as if you made a mistake, it can be interpreted as a nightmare.