네이버 카페 탈퇴 Leave Naver Cafe

How to leave the cafe (to leave)
In many cases, you need to sign up for Naver Cafe for various purposes, such as to obtain information or to purchase goods. There are more than dozens of cafes that are not used frequently on the list of registered cafes, so I would like to explain how to unsubscribe for those who want to ‘leave the cafe’.

Let’s take a look at how to leave the mobile environment, how to leave the PC environment, and how to manage multiple cafes at once. (Click on the photos below to enlarge them.)

1. Mobile version
Click ‘Cafe Information’ on the main cafe screen and click ‘Leave Cafe’ to proceed with the withdrawal. 네이버 카페 탈퇴

네이버 카페 탈퇴
Click on Cafe Information on the main cafe

Click to leave the cafe 좋은뉴스

Like in the PC version, I think there are some people who searched here and there to find the button to leave the cafe, but couldn’t find it. I did too. Here’s how to unsubscribe from the PC version.

2. PC version
Even in a PC environment, you should take a good look at the cafe main. On the main cafe screen, there is a ‘Leave Cafe’ button at the bottom of the bulletin board category on the left. Click this button to proceed with the withdrawal. (Refer to the photo below) However, since there are a lot of bulletin boards in cafes these days, there are many cases where you have to go down for a long time before there is an unsubscribe button, so using a scroll bar or going to a mobile cafe site is also recommended.

Leave the cafe PC version

Leave the cafe Naver

3. Leave multiple cafes at once
This is a method to apply for withdrawal from multiple cafes at once without having to log in to the corresponding cafe every time to withdraw. Basically, it’s available in the PC version. Click ‘Manage My Cafe’ on the main screen of the Naver Cafe homepage. Then, items such as subscribed cafes, favorite cafes, and withdrawn cafes are displayed. In the ‘My Cafe’ tab, there is an unsubscribe button to the right of each cafe list. You can unsubscribe by clicking this button.

Leave Naver Cafe

Leave multiple cafes at once
There are probably many cafes that have been registered for a long time and have changed their names to other cafes. As I was posting this time too, it came out that I was subscribed to a cafe I had never joined before, and I was like, ‘What is this?’ I wanted to After organizing a cafe that is rarely active, I feel refreshed somehow.

It’s simple, but I hope it was helpful to those who couldn’t leave the cafe because they couldn’t find the button to leave the cafe.