새마을금고 금리비교 Saemaul Geumgo Interest Rate Comparison

These days, with the low interest rates of banks, we are looking for ways to provide better interest rates and better benefits.

새마을금고 금리비교

Among them, Saemaul Geumgo has relatively higher interest rates than banks and has many branches, so many people prefer Saemaul Geumgo.

Please note that Saemaul Geumgo operates more than 1,500 branches nationwide, and there are various products to help you raise and roll large amounts of money and tax-saving products when you join as a member.

Today, I hope that it will be helpful for you to trade by examining the interest rate comparison of Saemaul Geumgo, which is a loss if you do not know it and a gain if you know it.

Saemaul Geumgo Interest Rate Comparison 새마을금고 금리비교

After entering Saemaul Geumgo in the search site, 좋은뉴스
Go to the homepage.

In the Saemaul Geumgo category at the top

Click on Interest Rate Comparison Announcement
Go to that page.

By selecting a branch in the area of ​​your life

Saemaul Geumgo interest rate comparison confirmation
You can check it at a glance.

When using Saemaul Geumgo, each branch

Because deposit/loan interest rates are slightly different

When making a transaction, compare the interest rates of Saemaul Geumgo.

We recommend that you check.

Through the interest rate comparison on the official website

Interest rates vary from branch to branch

Let’s check it out.

Main branch of Mangwoo-dong/Sangbong 1-dong, Jungnang-gu, Seoul
I checked the interest rate comparison of Saemaul Geumgo.
The interest rate for each branch is about 0.15 to 0.35%.

You can see there is a difference.

Update due to delay

It may be late
Please refer to the website and contact the branch for accurate information.

Selling products by inquiring directly

It could be a little more accurate.