소비자보호원 전화번호 Consumer Protection Agency phone number

Find out how to file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Agency and a phone number. Although there are many conveniences while shopping online, disputes often arise unintentionally. There are cases where it is a scam, and there are cases where it is ambiguous. In that case, the “Korea Consumer Agency” is the place where you can get help and claim your rights as a consumer.

소비자보호원 전화번호

How to report to the Consumer Protection Agency
You know that if you have been unfairly or unfairly done while shopping, you can report it to the Consumer Protection Agency and ask for help. When a report is made, it goes through the consumer counseling process first, and if it is not resolved at this stage, it moves on to the next stage, the damage relief stage.

Report to Consumer Protection Agency (Korea Consumer Agency) > Consumer counseling > Damage relief 소비자보호원 전화번호

What is the Consumer Consultation Procedure? 좋은뉴스
Consumers can report to the Consumer Counseling Center if they experience inconvenience or damage in the process of purchasing, using, or using goods provided by business operators for their consumer life. handling customer complaints, etc.

However, if it is not resolved smoothly in the consumer consultation stage, it is said that the damage relief (damage handling) stage is moved on.

Consumer counseling is conducted at the Consumer Counseling Center, which is run by the Korea Consumer Agency, consumer groups (10), and 16 metropolitan and provincial governments.

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Consumer Agency-Report-Procedure
When a consumer reports damage to the Consumer Counseling Center and applies for counseling, the center provides first priority to counseling, information provision, and damage handling. If it is still not resolved, the case will be transferred to the Korea Consumer Agency and the case will be transferred to the person in charge of damage relief.

In other words, the consumer counseling process can be viewed as a pre-step for damage relief. If possible, it is best to solve the problem amicably during the consumer consultation stage.

■ Areas not subject to consultation

Disputes related to lease between individuals including cheonsei
Disputes related to non-residential buildings such as shopping malls and offices
Disputes related to cargo transport vehicles, commercial taxis, buses, etc.
Disputes between agencies and headquarters, such as franchise agreements, and subcontract disputes
Labor disputes between workers and employers, such as wages, etc. Disputes between individuals, etc.

Damage Relief Steps
# What is damage relief?

Damage relief is a process that recommends fair and objective agreement to both parties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations through fact-finding, expert advice, etc. It’s called a system.


Disputes should be resolved through civil litigation in principle, but litigation can be costly, time-consuming, and cumbersome. there is.

■ In case of exclusion from damage relief

In case it is impossible to contact or locate the business due to bankruptcy or closure of the business
When it is not possible to prove the claim of the applicant (consumer) (including non-submission of supporting documents)
Disputes arising out of profit-making activities, disputes between workers and employees, such as wages, and disputes between consumers and business operators, such as transactions between individuals
In case of damage caused by goods, etc. provided by the State or local government
In case damage relief has been applied for or has gone through damage relief procedures at a dispute mediation organization equivalent to the Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee
In case of litigation in court, etc.

■ Damage relief procedure

1. Consumer Counseling: You must receive a private consultation before applying for damage relief.

2. Application for damage relief: If the solution is not resolved through consultation, visit the ‘Korea Consumer Agency’ and apply for damage relief by visiting/mailing/faxing/internet.

3. Business notification: When damage relief is received, the business operator is notified of receipt of damage relief.

4. Fact-finding

5. Settlement Recommendation: If it is found that there is no cause attributable to the business operator as a result of the fact-finding, the case is closed without a settlement recommendation.

6. Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee Mediation: If an amicable agreement is not reached, mediation is applied to the Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee.


If the Consumer Dispute Mediation Committee does not resolve the matter, it can ultimately file a civil mediation.

■ Consumer Dispute Resolution Standards

This is the resolution standard according to the type of dispute related to the Internet shopping mall business.

Dispute Type Resolution Criteria
Contract signing due to false or exaggerated advertisements Cancellation of contract
Cancellation of contract and compensation for damages even for non-delivery of goods or services
If the goods or services do not achieve the original purchase purpose due to delayed delivery, contract cancellation and compensation for damages
Others (causing inconvenience due to delayed delivery, etc.) contract cancellation and compensation for damages
In case of damage or other goods/services supplied during delivery, product exchange or purchase price refund
Unfair billing Cancellation of claim or refund of unreasonable payment
Non-performance of contract due to reasons attributable to the business operator Contract performance or contract cancellation and compensation for damages
■ How to report consumer damage

In case of damage, you can report it to the Consumer Counseling Center or the Korea Consumer Agency. Reports can be made online, by phone, fax, or in person. First, report it to the Consumer Counseling Center online and receive a consultation.


Visit the Consumer Consultation Center website below and use the [Consultation Application > Internet Consultation Application] menu. Applicant and business operator information must be accurately entered, and items and services must be described in detail.

Consumer Consultation Center-Application Page-Image
Consumer Consultation – How to Apply
Also, before applying for consumer counseling, you can check the contents of similar types of counseling.

Check the [Consultation inquiry > Model consultation inquiry] menu on the Consumer Counseling Center homepage. You may be able to find a way to solve the problem on your own without having to go to the counseling center.

Model Consultation Inquiry-Screen-Capture
How to inquire about the contents of the consultation

■ Consumer Protection Agency phone number and website address

– Consumer counseling center phone number: 1372 without area code

– Korea Consumer Agency phone number: 043-880-5500

– Korea Consumer Agency fax number 043-877-6767


– Korea Consumer Agency website: www.kca.go.kr/

– Consumer Counseling Center website: www.ccn.go.kr/