요양보호사 자격증 국비지원 2024 State-funded nursing care worker certification fee, examination schedule

Let’s find out about the cost and exam schedule of the state-funded nursing care worker certificate. The cost will be less than half of the cost if you acquire it with state-funded support. Please compare the prices below and apply for the course at the nearest educational center after receiving the learning card tomorrow.

요양보호사 자격증 국비지원

the order of writing

Cost of a state-funded nursing care worker certificate
Training period for nursing care worker certificate
General cost of obtaining a nursing care worker’s certificate
Expenses for state-funded nursing care workers
Cost of family care for care workers
Care worker examination schedule


Cost of a state-funded nursing care worker certificate
The elderly population is increasing as the life expectancy increases. Therefore, more and more people in their 40s or older are trying to obtain a nursing care worker certificate.

However, you are worried about the cost of obtaining a certificate, but generally, it costs about 700,000 won to 800,000 won to take a nursing care worker certificate. So most of them prefer state funding to reduce costs. 요양보호사 자격증 국비지원

Please find out the cost of the state-funded nursing care worker certificate and apply for a learning card tomorrow.


Apply for a learning card tomorrow


Get a mobile learning card tomorrow


Training period for nursing care worker certificate
Examination qualification based on 2023: 240 hours (3 months) + completion of practice


As of 2024: 320 hours (going to see)

The qualification requirements for the nursing care worker certificate test are available to all adults of Korean nationality. It is revised every year, and the nursing care worker certificate is almost essential, so it is better to obtain it as soon as possible.

As of 2023, a total of 240 hours of training must be completed. After that, you must complete one week of practice to qualify for the exam. For reference, training hours can be reduced if you have a certificate of nurse, nursing assistant, physical therapist, or social worker.

According to Article 29-2 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Elderly Welfare Act, the standard curriculum is 240 hours at a nursing care worker educational institution designated by the city/province governor, the national qualification (license) holder (nurse, nursing assistant, physical therapist, social worker, occupational therapist) is 40-50 hours, and the experienced person (the completion time varies depending on the established institution with experience) can take the nursing care worker qualification test.


General cost of obtaining a nursing care worker’s certificate
Cost of obtaining a certificate for general courses: KRW 600,000 to KRW 800,000


So how much does it cost to get a certificate of nursing care worker without state funding? The cost of getting a nursing care worker certificate has risen over the years, which is quite high. As I already mentioned, it costs about 700,000 won (including training) for the academy and 32,000 won for the certificate fee.

The period is about 3 months, and the cost of obtaining a nursing care worker certificate varies from academy to academy, so you can set it at 600,000 won to 800,000 won.

Expenses for state-funded nursing care workers
The cost of a state-funded nursing care worker certificate varies from region to region, but the amount of money is about 30%.

As a result of the recent revision, applications for tomorrow’s learning card are open to all Koreans (excluding some) from the third year of university. You can receive applications ranging from 3 million won to 5 million won for 5 years.

Current government officials, private school faculty members, people over 75 years old, college students with more than two years of study period, self-employed workers with more than 150 million won, special types of workers with more than 3 million won per month, and large-scale corporate workers with more than 300 won per month and less than 45 years old are excluded.


How to use the learning card for tomorrow

To find out the exact cost of the state-funded nursing care worker certificate, go to the vocational training portal. I searched for the cost of nursing care workers as a condition of tomorrow’s learning card.

Vocational training portal site

If you look at the right side, you can see the amount of out-of-pocket expenses. There is a difference, but if you register for state funding, you can see that most of the out-of-pocket expenses are around 200,000 to 300,000 won.

Prices may vary by region or institution, so please inquire about the amount you pay before registering for the course. Please check if the training fee is included.

Cost of a state-funded nursing care worker certificate


Cost of family care for care workers
One of the reasons for the recent popularity of nursing care certificates is family care. Should I say it’s a kind of bonus?

The nursing care worker certificate is very useful, and one of them is family care. If you have a family rating, you can receive a salary from the corporation while taking care of yourself if you have a certificate. However, only the maximum of three hours is recognized.

For your information, it is a comparison of family care and visiting care hourly wages. Most of the visiting care workers are over 12,200 won per hour, so you will be able to calculate it.

Classification General Care Family Support (60 minutes) Family Support (90 minutes)
Visiting care workers are 11,000-13,000 won per hour 19,000 won 21,000 won 27,000 won to 30,000 won
Visiting care workers’ monthly salary 700,000-1100,000 350,000-450,000 750,000-850,000

Care worker examination schedule
Lastly, here is a guide to the examination schedule for the nursing care worker certificate. 2023 is coming to an end. 2024 is a lot of changes because there are many test conditions and environments.

2024 revamped care worker examination schedule

Most people in their 40s and 50s get a nursing care worker certificate, so it’s not difficult if you take the course well. It has passed more than 90% for almost 10 years. If you fail, you can also take a retest. Unless it’s special, it doesn’t deviate from the difficulty of the past, so please feel safe.