카카오톡 차단 확인 Check Kakao Talk Blocking

There were times when I wondered if my KakaoTalk was blocked between lovers who broke up after loving co-workers before leaving the company. In addition, we will look into the latest information in 2022 on how to check whether my KakaoTalk has been blocked by this person for numerous reasons.

Summary of how to check KakaoTalk blocking
Check if ‘KakaoTalk remittance mark’ appears in the profile of the person suspected of being blocked
After deleting a friend, check if it reappears in the KakaoTalk friend recommendation list.
Invite a suspect to be blocked in a group chat room/group chat room

카카오톡 차단 확인

How to check KakaoTalk blocking
Check the KakaoTalk remittance display
2022-KakaoTalk-Block-Check Method-Remittance Mark-Check-How-Image 카카오톡 차단 확인
Kakao Talk Profile Confirmation of Remittance with Remittance Mark
If you open the KakaoTalk profile of the person suspected of being blocked, check the remittance mark in the upper right corner. If there is no money sign in the upper right corner, you are blocked. However, if you do not have a KakaoTalk account or if it is inactive, it may not be displayed. 좋은뉴스

After deleting a friend, check the recommendation list
The next method is to refresh the list of recommended friends after deleting the friend who is suspected of being blocked. Recommendation list is a ‘Friend Recommendation’ service that is exposed when you have contact information on your mobile phone but have not registered as a friend in the other person’s phone book but you are not a friend.

First of all, if you delete the person suspected of being blocked from your friends, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of KakaoTalk, and then click ‘Refresh Friend List’, the deleted friend will appear on the recommendation list again, but if it is blocked, it will not appear.

Invite a suspect to be blocked in a group chat room/group chat room
This method is the last method if you try up to methods 1 and 2 first and it seems to be blocking, but if you think, “It can’t be!” It is not a 1:1 chat, so it is a method that requires the help of a third party, but if you use two phones, it is a good way to try this method from the beginning.

First, open and invite a group chat room with at least two friends with a suspected blocker and a third party or sub phone. You can invite by selecting the speech bubble + icon in the upper right corner of the chat window. At this time, if the person suspected of being blocked is not invited, it is 10000% blocked. It is clear that the situation is sufficient to think about a stop loss without any further regrets.