네이버페이 체크카드 추천 Naver Pay Check Card, Woori Bank

Today, we will take a look at our Naver Pay check card, which offers a similar rate to that of a credit card among debit cards. The feature of this card is that it is a very popular card that allows you to accumulate 1% of the amount used as Naver Pay points even if you do not have any previous month’s performance. It is also a card that many people prefer because it provides free access to the airport lounge. Let’s take a closer look at how to use the card to receive and use all the benefits of the card.
What is the age at which Naver Pay debit card can be issued?
Individual customers 17 years of age or older can issue it. 네이버페이 체크카드 추천
Family cards cannot be issued.
The annual fee is 5,000 won. The brand is for overseas use
It can be issued only with the master brand. Application for card issuance cannot be made through a PC, and can be applied through the Woori Card smart app or mobile phone app.
Now, let’s take a look at the benefits of the Naver Pay check card.

Even if there is no previous record
1% of the amount used in Korea 이베이스매뉴얼
You can earn points with Naver Pay.
The monthly accumulation limit is up to 10,000 points.

네이버페이 체크카드 추천

Monthly accumulation limit of 1% of the amount used abroad
You can earn up to 10,000 points.

if you arrange
KRW 100 million in domestic usage
Amount used abroad: 1 million won
You can only earn points up to the amount used.

Points will be accumulated in your Naver account on the 15th of the following month from the date of receipt of the sales statement.
Not all usage amounts are accrued. There are cases in which Naver Pay points cannot be accumulated.

Points cannot be accumulated for gift certificate purchases, gift cards and prepaid card purchases and recharges, national taxes, local taxes, public charges, national pension, health insurance, employment insurance, industrial accident insurance, university and graduate school tuition, and apartment management fees.
You can enjoy free use of airport lounges in Korea and abroad.

The number of times of use can be provided twice a year and once a month.

To receive the service, you can download and use the [The Lounge Members App].
How to use: Access the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, download the Lounge Members app, sign up for membership, log in, register your card, and receive a lounge pass before use. If you present your lounge access ticket, passport, and same-day departure ticket at the lounge information desk, you can use the lounge after checking whether the lounge is available for free.
In order to receive free use of the lounge, you need a record of 300,000 won or more in the previous month, and there is no grace period.
When using our Naver Pay debit card overseas, you can be exempted from overseas usage fees even if you do not have a previous month’s performance.

0.5$ per use can be waived, and international brand fees for overseas use are normally charged.
That’s all the benefits of the card. To summarize, the card can receive [1% of the amount used as Naver Pay points even if there is no previous month’s performance], [free use of overseas lounges] and [exemption of overseas usage fee of 0.5$]. it seems like it will be
Among check cards, the 1% accumulation rate is very high, so I think it is a recommended card if you are looking for a check card with a good accumulation rate.

If you do not understand the benefits of the card or have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment.